Why Video Marketing Works

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Whether you own a small business or part of a multinational corporation, there is a constant truth in the marketing landscape: videos are more effective than images, banner ads and sound bites. But what strategies can businesses employ to get the most out of their video marketing? Here’s a look at techniques and the statistics behind video marketing and why it works.

The Appeal of Video

Humans perceive the world predominantly with vision. While sound, smell, taste and touch make up the remainder, humans rely most heavily on what they can see. A person can get a sense for a visual in about one-tenth of a second, and a video ad is 12 times more likely to be watched than a text ad is to be read. There are a couple reasons for this; one of the simplest ones is effort. If people have a choice, they’ll typically pick the option that is easiest. For instance, how many people do you know who have seen a movie based on a book, rather than reading that book? While the book may be a more immersive and fulfilling experience overall, many people feel as though they don’t have the time and video conveys a message much quicker. But how does video match up against still photography? While, images are worth 1,000 words, video is far superior considering motion catches the eye easier than a still image.

The Market

So what does the market look like for video marketing and your business. Well, the answer is good – really, really good. In fact, 65 percent of the viewers watch at least three fourths of a video, which is a high rate of retention by any standard. Furthermore, 92 percent of mobile devices users will typically pass along a video via social media or email.

This is where video editing tools such as video to text, AI voice cloning, and adding text to video come into play. These technologies allow businesses to create highly engaging and unique content. The video to text function can transform spoken words into written text, making videos more accessible to a broader audience base. AI voice cloning can mimic any voice, providing versatility, while adding text to video enables incorporation of key messages or closed captions, further enhancing viewer comprehension.

A video on your homepage also makes your site more likely to appear on the first page of any Google search that pings your topic. For instance, Amway is a multinational corporation with over 21,000 employees. The video seen on their homepage employs storytelling techniques in order to attract the best employees interested in the field.

video marketing

Storytelling In Video Marketing

Assigning a narrative to your video can help maintain interest and increase its effectiveness as a marketing tool. Amway’s video does just this. First the company touches on the attributes it has, then hones in on how those values lead the corporation to value your talents as well. Through time-lapsed images of multiple cities, it tells a story about a company that connects people worldwide. Then with shots of individuals it adds a human element. After this, testimonials from real employees provide the raw information that would otherwise be given in a lengthy paragraph of exposition that would lose interest of the target audience.

While this video does not employ fictional elements, that doesn’t mean you should shy away from them. Don’t be afraid to pull inspiration from fiction and create videos that have recurring characters. A great example for successful video marketing is Gieco Gecko, a brand character who provides levity and a call to action. Another technique is a behind-the-scenes aspect of your video that shows how you work and the process and time you take at your company. This can give potential clients and customers an inside look at your dedication and craft.