- USA +1 646 583 1584 | UK +44 203 137 2581 | France +33 970 448 419 | Germany +49 427 1947 9618 | India +91 124 663 7651
Executive Recruitment Program - Methodology
Our Executive Recruitment Program: Management on Demand™
Are you looking to hire an international executive?
Our executive recruitment program Management on Demand™ offers a fast and flexible methodology for recruiting your next international executive.
Executive Recruitment Program: Phases
Phase I: You tell us your executive recruitment needs
- You tell us your executive recruitment needs and together we define the details of the interim management assignment or the permanent position for which you search an interim manager or permanent executive.
- We establish the ideal manager profile for the above position (international interim management or permanent executive recruitment).
- You return the signed mandate form to us to start the executive search.
Phase II: We search the perfect executive or interim manager for you
- Using our executive recruiting program, we identify, search and pre-select a selection of suitable manager profiles from our vetted executive pool for you.
- We run internal interviews with pre-selected executives and check their availability and motivation.
- You receive a selection of the best manager profiles with CVs & their individual pitches for the interim manager or the permanent executive position.
Phase I & II of our Management on Demand™ Service take less than one week for any country!
Phase III: Interviews and final selection of the candidate for the interim manager or the permanent executive position
- Based on our executive search accomplished in phase I & phase II, you select the executive or interim manager you would like to meet and we organize interviews with the selected candidates and yourself.
- You choose the manager you wish to recruit. For an international interim management assignment: You sign the service contract with CEO Worldwide. For a permanent position: You negotiate the employment contract directly with the executive candidate and you pay the recruitment fee to CEO Worldwide (see executive recruitment and interim management fees).
Phase III of Management on Demand™ Service occurs during weeks 2-3 and depending on your reactivity and availability to attend the interviews we’ll help setup.
Phase IV: The selected executive starts as interim manager or in a permanent position
- Your selected executive from our Management on Demand™ Service starts the new position in the targeted country.
- We monitor the progress of the assignment on a bi-monthly basis (interim management only).
- You can turn the interim management assignment into a permanent position at any time.
- Call us: USA +1 646 583 1584 | UK +44 203 137 2581 | France +33 970 448 419 | Germany +49 89 5480 3739 | India +91 124 663 7651
Professional Matching
a timely professional matching process to identify and present the right international executives with relevant local expertise amongst our interim managers, executives, and executive investors.
Fast Selection
a unique cross-border reactivity with a first selection of international executives submitted to our clients in less than 10 days through an executive search amongst our executives and interim managers.
Contractual Flexibility
for any executive recruitment, the clients have the flexibility either to sign a few months interim management agreement or to hire directly our vetted executives for a permanent position.
Competitive Fees
Click here to access our pricing model in full transparency. No exclusivity. 6-month guarantee period.