• USA +1 646 583 1584 | UK +44 203 137 2581 | France +33 970 448 419 | Germany +49 427 1947 9618 | India +91 124 663 7651

iCEO Business Videos: Videos of our vetted executives and our partner INSEAD Knowledge

Our vetted executives and interim managers present their competence through iCEO business videos. We are also pleased to present a video cast on burning economic topics by our knowledge partner: INSEAD Knowledge (http://knowledge.insead.edu).

Transformational leader expert in policy advisory, capacity building and financial analysis

Throughout her 10-year career, Rina has established a reputation as a transformational leader who is driven by challenge, undeterred by obstacles, and committed to furthering standards of excellence. Her expertise encompasses all aspects of policy advisory, capacity building and financial analysis. Further, her ability to build consensus among executive teams and stakeholders to promote transparency and influence positive change has been repeatedly proven. Multi-linguistic with strong multicultural experience.

View short bio

To view all of our business case videos, we kindly invite you to visit our YouTube channel presenting all videos of our executives and interim managers.

Drunk on Vodka and Marketing

It's amazing, if not scary: The power of persuasion, as impressively demonstrated in a recent study by INSEAD Professor Pierre Chandon. Chandon and his team investigated the marketing placebo effect, which lead them to question if regulators should look past what’s in new products, like energy drinks, and on to the messages used to sell them.
Copyright INSEAD 2024

To view all Insead videos, please visit the YouTube channel of Insead.

  • Call us: USA +1 646 583 1584 | UK +44 203 137 2581 | France +33 970 448 419 | Germany +49 89 5480 3739 | India +91 124 663 7651

Professional Matching

a timely professional matching process to identify and present the right international executives with relevant local expertise amongst our interim managers, executives, and executive investors.

Fast Selection

a unique cross-border reactivity with a first selection of international executives submitted to our clients in less than 10 days through an executive search amongst our executives and interim managers.

Contractual Flexibility

for any executive recruitment, the clients have the flexibility either to sign a few months interim management agreement or to hire directly our vetted executives for a permanent position.

Competitive Fees

Click here to access our pricing model in full transparency. No exclusivity. 6-month guarantee period.