- USA +1 646 583 1584 | UK +44 203 137 2581 | France +33 970 448 419 | Germany +49 427 1947 9618 | India +91 124 663 7651
A truly unique proposition
Client Testimonial: A truly unique proposition
Alex Bezinge, Investment Director
Our company finances early stage and start-up companies for which we are permanently looking for top level managers.
The rigorous and efficient manner in which CEO Worldwide is able to filter and select candidates is of significant value to us.
Their real understanding of our business and of the activities of our portfolio companies means that CEO Worldwide is able to present us candidates who are well suited to our needs.
Furthermore we greatly appreciate the speed at which they are able to move forward.
CEO Worldwide's geographic coverage is also a significant advantage when looking for the best possible profiles on an international level.
Their business model is particularly attractive with a moderate upfront fee and with the "Interim to Permanent" concept which means that a manager can be operational within a very short period of time - with the possibility of a permanent hire at the end of the mission - a truly unique proposition.
Atila Ventures Partners
Atila Venture Partners: VC active in the field of microelectronics, e-business, IT and Telecoms Atila Ventures has offices in Lausanne (Switzerland), Bermuda, Vienna and Hong Kong, and has a consulting office in Munich (Germany).
- Call us: USA +1 646 583 1584 | UK +44 203 137 2581 | France +33 970 448 419 | Germany +49 89 5480 3739 | India +91 124 663 7651
Professional Matching
a timely professional matching process to identify and present the right international executives with relevant local expertise amongst our interim managers, executives, and executive investors.
Fast Selection
a unique cross-border reactivity with a first selection of international executives submitted to our clients in less than 10 days through an executive search amongst our executives and interim managers.
Contractual Flexibility
for any executive recruitment, the clients have the flexibility either to sign a few months interim management agreement or to hire directly our vetted executives for a permanent position.
Competitive Fees
Click here to access our pricing model in full transparency. No exclusivity. 6-month guarantee period.