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The selection of our iCEO expert papers gives you a first insight into the level of experience, competence and business knowledge of our vetted international executives. Subscribe to our blog and newsletter to receive the latest iCEO expert papers published on a regular basis.

CEO Papers

Leadership Courage is Contagious

Author: Mike Hoff, CEO, United Arab Emirates (The), iCEO #39215

It's helpful to define Leadership as "any attempt to influence" and Courage as "the ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger or uncertainty". So together Leadership Courage can be described as any attempt to influence a person or situation in the face of controversy where there is an easier option available. Quite often this alternative is a simple "Yes, I agree" rather than put your voice into the ring. It is this strength of conviction and verbalising those thoughts that are rhttp://www.ceo-worldwide.com/blog/leadership-courage-contagious/ Read more...

HR Papers

Is your organization ready for Europe’s “Collapse of the Middle”? A Portfolio Approach

Author: Andros Payne, VPHR, Switzerland, iCEO #27345

Managing "Human capital" has become very tough in turbulent times like today. EU's expansion, combined with services deregulations and Information Technology prices collapse, has given companies access to a deep pool of flexible and low cost labour force, leading Western Europe employees on the verge of a major human portfolio shift. Read more...

Sales & Marketing Papers

Customers are now smarter at buying than the salesmen are at selling

Author: Ray Coyte, VPSM, UK, iCEO #50408

If you are an executive, you may have read one or more of the thousands of books currently available on how to improve sales performance. With so many books advising on how to be great at sales, you may be forgiven for wondering why there are so few talented salespeople out there. Read more...

White Papers

LOBBYING - Strategies and techniques of intervention

Author: Frank Farnel, CEO, France, iCEO #61916

Lobbying is the activity which consists in influencing directly or indirectly any government action or decision. This profession has not yet been regulated in France, and it is desirable that legislators address this issue. Lobbying is indeed a very powerful weapon, which, if it is well used and performed in a professional manner, can provide the French and European enterprises with competitive advantages, both on the domestic and international markets. The subject of this convenient and accessible book aims to present lobbying in a new light, to show that it should be a profession practiced by professional specialists, such as, for example, those who are responsible for the marketing and financial issues in any sort of organisation. Read more...

Case Studies

Implementation of an Client Information System

Author: Turgut Haspolat, Executive Investor, Turkey, iCEO #43917

Turgut shows how he developped and implemented an Client Information System for a large EU funded project to support the Solution of Economic and Social Integration Problems in Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara and Bursa as Major In-Migrant Destinations. He shows how the use of CIS enables the stakeholders of major projects to keep well informed and Read more...

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