Insights – 02 May 2024

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Beyond the Deal: The Importance of People Strategies in Mergers & Acquisitions

When an organization is considering a potential merger or acquisition, they often place a priority on evaluating the prospect’s industry segments, geographic footprint, revenue, and service offerings. While this is critically important to achieve the desired goals, if the people & culture component is overlooked, there is a significant risk of turnover, low engagement, and low performing teams which in turn affects the experience for clients and ultimately organizational performance.
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Interim Management Insights: Your Path to Adaptable Leadership Solutions

This article delves into the world of interim management, casting a spotlight on its remarkable significance in aiding SMBs in establishing their presence in foreign markets and the undeniable convenience of online platforms in procuring these adaptable leaders.
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Knowing to say No – Daring to say Yes

How many people, women and men, leaders and managers would like to “know how to say NO” … to impossible deadlines, to the demands and requirements of the team, customers, friends, family, etc.? By saying NO, they would like to be able to stay the course, prioritize, decide, balance their lifetimes…
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Mastering Employer Branding: Win the 2024 Talent War

Are you ready to revolutionize your recruitment game and attract top talent like never before? In this video, we peel back the curtain on the secrets of employer branding in 2024. Discover how to transform your company’s image into a magnet for the best and brightest, from building a powerhouse branding team to aligning with the desires of today’s job seekers.
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