ICTof GEP (EU) Project

Case Study of GEP Project

I worked as an ICT Coordinator of the GEP: Support to the Solution of Economic and Social Integration Problems in Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara and Bursa as Major In-Migrant Destinations (EuropeAid/125542/D/SER/TR) project. The purpose of the IGEP project is to provide support to Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Bursa municipalities to increase institutional capacity to mitigate socio … Read more

A Global Perspective: Analyzing CEO Compensation India, USA, & Europe

people in the office discussing a project

Undoubtedly, the role of a CEO is pivotal, steering companies toward success or failure. It’s no surprise that the compensation of these top executives has been a topic of interest and debate worldwide. Let’s delve into the intriguing landscape of CEO compensation practices in India, the USA, and Europe, offering a comprehensive analysis and a … Read more

Who leads whom?

That is the question facing the visitor in India. At the airport, he gets into a taxi and and soon, the cabby starts asking questions. “Where are you from? Is this your first time in India? Which hotel should I take you to?” And later in this inescapable conversation, which is actually more of an … Read more