Seven Characteristics of a Highly Successful Social Business

photo of a man showing a graph to a woman with red hair

Would your board like to transform your social business from average to highly successful? Are you unclear what this means in practice?

Seven Characteristics of a High Performing Board

people sitting at the table

Having a board of directors that is packed with well-known names sounds great in theory. It is often the icing on the cake of a stellar company

Essence of innovation in supply chain management

I keep going back to innovation…and I am sure you’ll be wondering, WHY?? It is simply so, because if it wasn’t for innovation, we wouldn’t have progressed thus far,…..for innovation keeps coming back,…..each time in a new avatar, hence for me to talk about innovation is neither stale,…..nor a stale-mate,…..instead it’s a state we are … Read more

Secrets to Successful Strategy Execution

close up photography of yellow green red and brown plastic cones on white lined surface

The Strategy Execution Duality Execution has enjoyed an impressive reputation in the last few years under the banner that any strategy is worthless if not executed. While this assertion is tautologically undeniable, it is also true that a flawed strategy execution can have unappealing consequences. New Coke or the Betamax video format come to mind. … Read more