Empowering Global Leadership Through Advanced ERP Solutions

ERP Solutions

In today’s dynamic business environment, global leadership requires more than just strategic vision and management skills. In fact, it demands the support of advanced technological tools that can streamline operations and foster innovation.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions have emerged as critical enablers for organizations aiming to globally maintain a competitive edge. By integrating multiple … Read more

Catalysts of Transformation: Interim Managers Redefining Indian Business Strategies

Interim Managers Redefining Indian Business Strategies

India’s business scene is a whirlwind – dizzying growth, new ventures popping up, and established giants facing nimble challengers. In this dynamic maze, meet the interim managers – your guide to navigating the peaks and valleys. They’re not about dusty reports; they’re laser-focused Sherpas, delivering results without getting bogged down. But finding the right one? … Read more

Seamless Business Transition

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Best Steps For A Seamless Business Transition In this article HRnews explains possible steps for a seamless business transition such as Seek Professional Services: The transition process is often a challenging journey for most companies. You might lack the know-how to go about the new changes as a business. In the process, you might make … Read more

Insights – 16 February 2022

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Did You Know CEO Worldwide Is 20 Years Old? Thanks to all of you reading this, CEO Worldwide has reached the incredible milestone of turning 20 years old. We’ve shared some of the biggest achievements and moments from the last 20 years and would love to read your comments! See Post and Leave Us A … Read more

Insights – 9 February 2021


Business Development in Biotech – a competitive advantage? Many biotech companies start as an idea for an idea: a business possibility for some scientific idea, often in embryonic stage. Their survival as companies and growth relies on the quality of the science but to a great extent on the team… Open Expert File Author: Sancha … Read more

Business Development in Biotech – a competitive advantage?


Many biotech companies start as an idea for an idea: a business possibility for some scientific idea, often in embryonic stage. Their survival as companies and growth relies on the quality of the science but to a great extent on the team: the inventiveness of the scientists and other founding members, who, in order to … Read more

How to contract a Business Development Executive

silhouette of man admiring bright lights of skyscrapers

A recent straw-poll questionnaire highlighted the varying views and general confusion about the role of a Business Development Executive and especially their use to SMEs. This article may help you if you are considering the benefits of a Business Development Executive for your company or if you would like to offer your services in this … Read more

Leadership Courage is Contagious

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Written by Mike Hoff As a young leader, when I first heard the phrase “Leadership Courage”, it left me feeling a little scared as to what I would have to do to live up to or even begin to possess such a thing. Today I wonder how I would manage without it and enjoy helping … Read more

IPO: Managing the Cultural Gap

oriental pearl tower

Managing the cultural gap with Chinese companies who want to do an IPO in London I have been working with Chinese Companies for over 5 years and have been Associated with 3 Chinese companies as Chairman or NED that have listed in London (AIM). With the globalisation of world business, China has become an appealing … Read more

How To Manage Major A Company Transformation

man walking on sidewalk near people standing and sitting beside curtain wall building

Do you (or will you) have to manage a major company transformation? Written by Tim Thexton As interim managers, especially senior managers and directors we are most frequently called in at times of major change – for example a major company transformation. As such, titling ourselves change managers, we are the harbingers of that inevitable … Read more