The Power of Non-Executive Directors and Effective Board Composition

people sitting at the table

In the realm of corporate governance, non-executive directors (NEDs) play a pivotal role in ensuring effective board composition. These directors bring a wealth of experience, expertise, and independent perspectives to the table, creating a balance of power and fostering sound decision-making processes. By providing oversight, guidance, and a valuable check on executive directors, NEDs contribute … Read more

How to Organize a Board of Directors

clear light bulb on black surface

In the 21st century, competition has never been fiercer, and business is constantly changing. The key to success and longevity is adapting to your industry’s trends, and not just following them. This is what makes modern businesses so successful. One of the best ways to keep your company up to date is by forming a … Read more

Corporate Governance For Growing Companies

Corporate Governance

1. WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE? 2. Mandatory Corporate Governance Mandatory Corporate Governance for larger Companies has been with us in the UK for some time now. The Cadbury guidelines were introduced in 1992 and have evolved and developed into the UK Corporate Governance Code which must be followed by all premium and … Read more

Role Of The Non-Executive Director (“NED”)

Non-Executive Director

Role Of The Non-Executive Director In Difficult Markets And Economic Uncertainty And What Keeps Him Awake At Night Although we should not be policemen, NEDs need to be more vigilant and clearly understand our fiduciary duties, and need to clearly identify major risks of the company on whose Board we serve.

Qualities of a Good Chairman

The role of the Chairman has become much higher in profile and the expectations have increased as, quite rightly, stakeholders now expect an engaged, energetic, and involved Chairman who does more than simply manage the corporate governance process. The success of a Chairmanship undoubtedly hinges on the relationship the Chairman has with the chief executive, … Read more

IPO: Managing the Cultural Gap

oriental pearl tower

Managing the cultural gap with Chinese companies who want to do an IPO in London I have been working with Chinese Companies for over 5 years and have been Associated with 3 Chinese companies as Chairman or NED that have listed in London (AIM). With the globalisation of world business, China has become an appealing … Read more

Non Executive Directors: Experience and Good Practice

Non Executive Directors

What is the definition of a Non Executive Director (“NED”)? Michael Grade once famously said: “Non Executive Directors are like bidets – not sure what they are there for, but they add a bit of class!” This is far from the truth. NEDs are working harder than ever. The risk/reward is not what it should … Read more