The Role Of The CEO In Cyber Security

The Role Of The CEO In Cyber Security

In the modern digital era, cyber security has evolved into a critical component for safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of an organization’s data.  The responsibility for ensuring the security of sensitive information no longer rests solely on the shoulders of IT departments.  The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), as the principal decision-maker, plays an increasingly important … Read more

SOS – Companies in Jeopardy!

Companies cannot afford to waste time to achieve its strategic goals, such as correcting an existing problem, proceeding with a M&A or a project that impacts the whole company. When they delay their decision to hire a competent manager, many companies get into trouble, loose their competitive advantage or fall behind on their market. The … Read more

The Three Stages of The Enterprise SaaS Relationship And What To Do Next


When picturing the relationship between the enterprise and the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business model, I imagine an evolutionary process that can be divided into three main stages. The first let’s call ‘The Comfort Zone’; the second ‘The Enlightenment’; and the final stage ‘The Re-Assessment’. Once we examine these we can then decide upon the right course … Read more

Cyber Ants Can Ruin Your Picnic

Every day there is a possibility that someone is trying to find a way to disrupt your business. There are three basic sorts of cyber attackers.

How global uncertainty drives business?


How global uncertainty drives business, commercial and pricing models? With rising global uncertainties which have emerged over time, fueled by the recession of 2008 came new operating and business models including cloud computing. Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) came in much earlier to that, perhaps due to the previous recession and evolution of technology. The traditional … Read more

Outsourcing and offshoring projects to India: “Different Worlds, Different Ways”

view of city at night

Outsourcing and offshoring projects: It is autumn; we are in the Indian city of Pune. Twenty Indian project managers, business analysts and software engineers have gathered in a training room. They want to learn how they can successfully bring the cooperation with a customer whose team is distributed across Germany and the United States back … Read more

Case Study: Swiss-Indian Software Development


Swiss-Indian Co-operation in the Area of Offshore Software Development In the mid 1990s, large corporations in Europe and the USA realized there was a huge lack of skilled software engineers. The need to solve the Y2K problem within a short timeframe, combined with unsuccessful education policies of the respective governments were two of the major … Read more