Mastering the Art of Executive Interviews: A CEO Worldwide Guide

The Art of Executive Interviews

What’s the secret to unlocking your company’s full potential in the competitive talent market of today? The answer might be simpler than you think and is crucial for corporate clients, HR professionals, and C-level management seeking top executive talent globally. This blog will dive into the art of conducting effective executive interviews, a strategic step … Read more

6 Useful Communication Skills for Executives 

Every leader is faced with a lot of adversity and any skills that might help out in making the best out of situation might come in handy. In this article we will focus on communication skills for any leader or executive to improve that side of the job.  The ability to convey ideas, inspire teams, … Read more

Hiring the best people


“You can’t send a duck to eagle school” You have to admit,  when you saw the headline of Colin Thompson’s short article. Ducks? Eagles? What’s this to do with business? But you will be simply stunned by the truth behind this kind of funny sentence. What about you? Do you think you can train a duck to become … Read more

How To Manage Major A Company Transformation

man walking on sidewalk near people standing and sitting beside curtain wall building

Do you (or will you) have to manage a major company transformation? Written by Tim Thexton As interim managers, especially senior managers and directors we are most frequently called in at times of major change – for example a major company transformation. As such, titling ourselves change managers, we are the harbingers of that inevitable … Read more

A Tip on the Long Tail of Top Management

top management

Consultants can turn top management roles more effective and less lonesome… Taking risks is inherent in top management roles, but some often suppressed aspects are isolation and doubt. With the increase of economic and political uncertainly and complexity, top managers need to be able to ponder alternatives and decisions with stakeless peers – something that … Read more

Interim Management – Life at the Sharp End of the Business

Interim Management – Life at the Sharp End of the Business

One of our vetted iCEOs shares his experiences as interim manager. This insight view gives you interesting and helpful tips as to the expectations of the client company and how to prepare an interim management assignment. Interim Management – Not for the fainthearted For the past thirteen years I had been working as a management … Read more