Best Practices for Collaborating with Your New CEO

Throughout my article series, The Role of a CHRO in CEO Transitions, I’ve discussed how the CHRO can be an influential part of a major leadership transition. I’ve shared strategies for creating a connection, educating on the HR function, and integrating the CEO into the organization. Once these steps have taken place, a relationship has … Read more

CEO Worldwide added to London’s 101 Fastest Growing Staffing Agency Startups

photo of tower bridge through structures

We are happy to announce that CEO Worldwide has been added to the list of London’s fastest growing staffing agencies. This prestigious list, compiled by, recognizes the top 101 startups in the staffing industry that are making a significant impact in the city’s economy. CEO Worldwide’s inclusion on this list is a testament to … Read more

Corporate Governance For Growing Companies

Corporate Governance

1. WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE? 2. Mandatory Corporate Governance Mandatory Corporate Governance for larger Companies has been with us in the UK for some time now. The Cadbury guidelines were introduced in 1992 and have evolved and developed into the UK Corporate Governance Code which must be followed by all premium and … Read more

The Fundamental Nature of Leadership

An Evolutionary Approach Countless publications, the majority of methods used to identify leadership potential and almost all executive training programmes courageously ignore that the phenomenon of leadership has remained remarkably unexplained. Not surprisingly, this bears a truth well beyond distinctive occurrences and across different cultures. The point to be made is: During our evolutionary development, … Read more

Business Turnaround Case Study (With Example)

turnaround case study

A business turnaround case study is a detailed analysis of a business that has faced significant challenges and has been able to successfully recover. The case study provides insights into the reasons behind the business’s struggles and its eventual turnaround. It also highlights the key strategies and tactics that were used to achieve business success … Read more