Insights – 7 July 2021

Non-Executive Director

COVID-19 and gender equality: Countering the regressive effects What is good for gender equality is good for the economy and society. COVID-19’s impact on women puts that into stark relief and raises critically important choices… Open Blog Post Reimagining the C-suite for a digital-first world The old top-down model doesn’t work in the world of … Read more

Insights – 12 May 2021

COVID19 Experience: Practical tips to cope & adapt The current normal (COVID19 period) reveals Life’s uncertainty and triggers unusual behaviours and reactions. What each of us is experiencing is understandable. It is ok to feel uncomfortable… Open Expert File Author: Christelle Vigot – CEO – France A crisis on an individual level that invites each … Read more

COVID19 Experience

COVID19 Experience

Practical tips to cope & adapt Why? The current normal (COVID19 period) reveals Life’s uncertainty and triggers unusual behaviours and reactions. What each of us is experiencing is understandable. It is ok to feel uncomfortable. The goal of this document is to help you to relieve from daily stress and empower your capacity to innovate … Read more

Insights – 21 April 2021

C-Suite Hiring – How to Hire an Executive You’ve Never Met in Person One of the most popular posts in our social media feeds these last weeks, this article looks at steps you can take to increase your company’s appeal to potential C-Suite hires who may join the business from afar and / or without … Read more

A crisis on an individual level

A crisis on an individual level that invites each one to sort out to get rid of waste and to create an “After” respectful of one’s Being and Humanity Individually, the crisis we are experiencing and the long time of confinement it imposes on us gives us the opportunity to connect with ourselves. In the … Read more

This crisis can be an opportunity for HR Directors to give more space and weight to “H” as Humanity

First, there are all the employees who make it their duty to ensure their activity, even with fear in their stomachs. The fear of getting sick, the fear of infecting their loved ones. Employees are very often “forgotten” because their job seems so secondary at a time of intellectual services. Thanks to this crisis, their … Read more

A global crisis that enjoins us to sort to get rid of waste and to create an “after” that respects the Earth and the Human being

As a human being and inhabitant of the Earth, since the beginning of this pandemic, I have been asking myself a question. What is the message that the universe wants to send us? One of the answers seems to me to be: the planet is taking revenge. It is taking revenge on the way we … Read more

An opportunity to rethink our industry organization worldwide

Or how the Covid-19 could help us not be like the frog in the boiling water! Huawei recently announced that they would open a manufacturing site in Western Europe, more precisely in France. It is, of course, a great piece of news, but moreover, clearly, the sign that a manufacturing industry could make sense in … Read more

Is coronavirus pandemic the game changer that will put social impact back at the heart of value creation?

It will have taken an unprecedented pandemic to realize the damaging effects of several decades of strategies which were certainly profitable in the short term, but which created multiple dependencies, ultimately destroying value in the long term. We can measure today the impact of localizing 80% of the world’s production of masks in one province … Read more