Family Businesses in Latin America: A Protocol for Succession

young woman helping senior man with payment on internet using laptop

Of the world’s 500 largest family businesses, 32 (7,6%) are located in Latin America according to the 2016 Global Family Business Index. Over 70% of these businesses are publicly listed companies with average 78 years old. On the other hand, Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LACAR) are home to upwards 57 million small-and-medium-sized enterprises … Read more

How global uncertainty drives business?


How global uncertainty drives business, commercial and pricing models? With rising global uncertainties which have emerged over time, fueled by the recession of 2008 came new operating and business models including cloud computing. Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) came in much earlier to that, perhaps due to the previous recession and evolution of technology. The traditional … Read more

What holds Women back in business?

women in business

Some of the most powerful people of today’s world are women. They are leading nations and fortune 500 companies and are holding up extremely well in a male dominated world, bringing change and new perspectives to the established ways of doing politics or business and setting new standards. There are numerous examples where women did … Read more

Consulting on Demand

Consulting on Demand

Towards a new form of consulting? The future of SMEs goes through their ability to develop innovation and international business. This requires from top managers in these companies to be more aggressive and take more risks than ever: new offers, new products, new subsidiaries or acquisitions in foreign countries, new partners… Taking risks is inherent … Read more

A Polish Success Story


General Management: Objective – Turnaround and Sell The company had achieved remarkable growth in its first 10 years – on the surface it looked good, with a new large factory just opened and well equipped in the capital-intensive industry that Print is. The then institutional owners asked me in to provide them with a consultancy … Read more