The Way to Exit the Crisis Through An Interim Management Mission

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After the fast departure of a leader from a subsidiary with 1000 people of a large group, this interim management mission is to support the group’s interim general manager, to implement my methodology of taking a position in the interim management of general direction and aiming at giving to teams dynamism again, to make proposals in accordance with the unit’s strengths and weakness.

  • Name of the interim manager: Anne-Claire Humeau.
  • Date of completion of the mission: November 2018 -April 2019.
  • Company name: confidential (subsidiary of a large group).
  • Activity sector: Services to individuals.
  • Company type: Subsidiary of 1000 people, turnover of 100 M €, 450 employees in production and a network of 10 shops.

Challenges of the interim management mission

The company was put in a bad position by a general manager in office for several years, due to the non-existent management, a contemptuous stance, reprehensible actions, and a construction of isolated services. The whole staff is discouraged, does not perceive light at the end of the tunnel, does not understand what is happening, is not heard neither when faced with difficulties nor when offers solutions. The financial results are catastrophic.


  • Communication is well established, hope is reborn, ideas emerge, proposals are made. 100 % of the people that wanted to leave the subsidiary decided to stay in their position.
  • The dialogue is put in place. Commercial team “liberated” make a 10% increased of turnover.
  • Bad practices are identified, and corrective actions are proposed.
  • Major changes are recommended and followed by actions (departures and arrivals of staff, adjustment of the organization chart).
  • The group makes key decisions for the unit’s future.

Actions taken

Step one

  • Field visits inside the company: production, shops, services.
  • Meetings and interviews with the management committee (7 people), and then meetings with their N-2 even N-3 at the request of the committee.
  • Staff meetings are requested when situations are in crisis, either personal or within their professional responsibilities.
  • Analysis of data provided by financial, management control, marketing, purchasing, HR, transport logistics.
  • Throughout the interviews, the first report made to the leaders of the sector in the group.
  • Feedback of this first round to the management committee: interviews and conclusions on the analysis of the context and the paths for the future.

Step two

  • 2nd round of meetings, interviews, solutions with management committee members.
  • 2nd mission report with specific proposal regarding the changes of organization chart and the daily team management organization, and point out the urgent decisions that need to be taken.
  • Feedback exchange with the leaders of the company and its group.
interim management mission talents

Talents implemented

  • Rapid understanding of complex corporate contexts and their leaders.
  • Acquisition of new sectors’ related knowledge.
  • Understanding of complex production systems.
  • Knowledge of the functioning of Small to Medium-sized Enterprises, Employee Representative Bodies, and large groups.
  • Capacity of listening and analyzing, leadership and ability to reassure, transmit dynamism and give impetus.
  • Competences: financial, management control, HR, transport logistics, purchasing, production, management, experience as a member of Management Committee and Executive Committee.

A few words to conclude this interim management mission

  • Exciting discovery of a new sector and an excellent company. Staffs are mostly qualified and passionate about their work.
  • Satisfaction for having successfully established the internal communication, relieved the staff in difficulty, given dynamism, opened other potential leads, generated solutions and actions to exit the crisis.
  • Satisfaction to see a big part of my proposals are accepted.
  • New start for the company.

Final feedback from the client (CEO)

  • Communication well established”, “necessary though difficult”, and a “big THANK YOU”

Interim management mission key figures to keep in mind

  • 43 people interviewed, even more contacts during field visits.
  • 1000 people, 100 million turnover and network of 10 shops.

  • Anne-Claire Humeau - CEO - France

    Posture and know-how for crisis resolution. Based on my 20 years experience, I created a fast and benevolent method.From the immediate and global context vision, I apply a process to facilitate emergence of collective intelligence. To improve and/or recover profitability I put in place immediate solutions and focus upon the company’s core values. Then I reinforce a strategic and tactical vision across the organisation and make teams reconnect with the renewed dynamism. View Anne-Claire's short bio

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