COVID19 Experience

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Practical tips to cope & adapt


The current normal (COVID19 period) reveals Life’s uncertainty and triggers unusual behaviours and reactions. What each of us is experiencing is understandable. It is ok to feel uncomfortable.

  • It does impact our daily lives in both personal and professional field and requires each of us to cope with the induced stress then adapt to the situation. The latter expects us to be innovative and creative in the way we think, work and live, as an individual, professional and community member.
  • The global lockdown also has a physical impact that can increase the « stress » if not acknowledged and managed: a lot of thoughts and information related to a change out there are running in our brains, while our bodies are unable to move, kind of stuck in one place (and we lost the body language part in our communication). The dichotomy of reality & speed between the mind and the body creates a cognitive dissonance (=stress).

The goal of this document is to help you to relieve from daily stress and empower your capacity to innovate and create in a sense of « adapt ». Resilience starts with you.


The following list is non exhaustive, and based on neuroscience, neurobiology, research and experience. Tips are affordable and simple.

There is no « have to », « must » « should ». Be kind only.

Choose 1 or 2 tips you feel comfortable with and try today. Repeat the following days. Habits are made of repetition. Good habits are made of repetition of tiny healthy acts. They contribute to thoughtful leadership.

Practical tips – The 5 Re/…

  • Re/duce
    • Stress level by practicing cardiac coherence (whenever you feel you need it): inhale for 5 sec, exhale for 5 sec , during 5 min, 3 times a day (from belly not from thorax)
    • Infos intake: prefer TV/media flow intake around midday instead of wake-up or bedtime
    • Switch off notifications from emails/messages app on all your tech devices: you choose when to collect your message (dedicated time slots) and manage your time
    • Focus on uni-tasking and the 3 major tasks of the day
    • Have break of 10’ every 52’ of work (walk, do nothing, power nap, play, read…)
  • Re/charge
    • If you can go out, just walk 30’ everyday with no other goal than the walk itself (if you can’t, do few steps while you’re on call)
    • HUG someone for 20 seconds (kid, partner, yourself !)
    • Cupping palms over your eyes for several seconds
    • Take some day off and enjoy « lazy days »
  • Re/place
    • Smile
    • Prepare your confcall/zoom meetings by taking 5’ before and asking yourself 2 questions:
      • What do I want to say?
      • How do I want to say it?
    • Replace professional Visio by phone call when possible
    • Replace coffee, Coca-Cola, alcohol… COVID19 by water as much as possible, through your day
    • Replace lunch at desk by a dedicated moment to enjoy your food (and nothing else)
  • Re/play
    • Make room in your schedule and living place for playing activity (cooking, lego, video gaming, painting, music, writing…), alone or with family member(s)
    • Have fun. Whatever makes you laugh ☺ (Without hurting anyone)
  • Re/think – Re/imagine – Re/create
    • Stop – Look – Think
    • Look for the upside of the situation (in your personal life, for your company, in your career…). You can choose deliberately to look at it. Keep in mind that a Crisis is always a mix of danger(s) and opportunity(ies) (cf Chinese ideograms)
    • Practice cardiac coherence to unlock the innovative part of your brain to express, and let it flow. It is riskless.
    • Practice reverse thinking : Ask why not?

Additional resources

There are numerous of cardiac coherence, meditation, sleeping apps available. Pick the one(s) you like and use it.

There are also a lots of free content to start any new activity (yoga, Pilates…). Choice is yours. Just keep practicing.

Here is an interesting info graphic about our own bias; it can help to distance yourself from the ongoing thoughts.



I am available for each of you to tackle 3 topics:

  • Manage the stress of the current normal
  • Deepen your self-awareness
  • Re/think – re/imagine and re/create (your life, your career or business activity)