How to Build a Brand That Resonates with Gen Z in 2023: Tips and Strategies

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How to Build a Brand That Resonates with Gen Z in 2023: Tips and Strategies

As the oldest members of Gen Z start entering their mid-twenties, this generation is quickly becoming a dominant force in the consumer market. In fact, by 2023, Gen Z is predicted to account for 40% of all consumers in the United States alone. This presents a unique challenge for businesses and brands: how to build a brand that resonates with Gen Z. This article will explore some tips and strategies for building a brand that connects with this young, tech-savvy, and socially-conscious generation.

The Power of Resonance

Before diving into the strategies for building a brand that resonates with Gen Z, it’s essential to understand what we mean by “resonance.” At its core, resonance means connecting with your audience beyond just a transactional relationship. It means creating a brand that truly speaks to your target audience’s values, aspirations, and desires.

One brand that has mastered the art of resonating with Gen Z is Glossier. The beauty brand was founded by Emily Weiss in 2014, and since then, it has become a cult favorite among young consumers. Glossier’s success can be attributed to its ability to tap into the desires and values of Gen Z. The brand focuses on natural beauty, inclusivity, and authenticity, which aligns perfectly with the values of this socially-conscious generation. Glossier’s marketing and social media strategy also emphasizes user-generated content, further reinforcing its authenticity and inclusiveness message.

How Brand Resonance Has Changed 

The rise of digital media and social networks has fundamentally changed how brands resonate with their audiences. In the past, brands relied heavily on traditional advertising channels, such as TV commercials and print ads, to reach their target audiences. Today, however, Gen Z is more likely to discover new brands through social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. This has created new challenges for brands that want to resonate with this young, digitally-savvy audience.

Here are some tips and strategies for building a brand that resonates with Gen Z in the digital age:

  1. Be Authentic: Authenticity is the highest value for Gen Z. Brands that try too hard to be trendy or cool will likely be seen as inauthentic and insincere. Instead, focus on being true to your brand’s values and personality.
  1. Emphasize User-Generated Content: As we saw with Glossier, user-generated content can be a powerful way to reinforce your brand’s message of authenticity and inclusivity. Encourage your audience to create and share content that showcases your brand in a positive light.
  1. Use Influencers and Micro-Influencers: Gen Z trusts influencers and micro-influencers more than traditional advertising channels. Work with influencers who align with your brand’s values and personality to reach a wider audience.
  1. Embrace Video Content: Video content is more popular than ever, especially on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. Experiment with short-form video content that showcases your brand’s personality and values.

Brands Struggling to Resonate

Despite the growing importance of Gen Z as a consumer group, many brands need help to resonate with this young audience. One reason for this is that Gen Z is more socially-conscious than previous generations, and they expect brands to be socially responsible as well. Brands that are seen as exploitative or environmentally unfriendly are likely to be rejected by Gen Z consumers.

Here are some tips and strategies for brands that are struggling to resonate with Gen Z:

  1. Focus on Social Responsibility: Gen Z wants brands to take concrete steps to address social and environmental issues. This could mean using sustainable product materials, supporting social causes, or implementing fair labor practices. Brands that prioritize social responsibility are more likely to resonate with Gen Z consumers.
  1. Be Inclusive: Gen Z is the most diverse generation yet, and they expect brands to be inclusive and representative of different identities and experiences. Make an effort to showcase diversity in your marketing and product offerings.
  1. Listen to Feedback: Gen Z is more likely to speak out against brands they feel are not meeting their expectations. Take the time to listen to feedback from your audience and use it to improve your brand and products.

Brands Resonating with Gen Z

Despite the challenges of resonating with Gen Z, plenty of brands are succeeding in this space. These brands have tapped into this young audience’s values and desires and created a connection beyond just a transactional relationship.

Here are some examples of brands that resonate with Gen Z:

  1. Nike: Nike has always been a popular brand among young consumers, but they have recently made a concerted effort to appeal to Gen Z. They have embraced inclusivity and social responsibility and have partnered with athletes and influencers who embody their brand’s values.
  1. Ben & Jerry’s: Ben & Jerry’s is a brand that has always been socially-conscious, and this has resonated with Gen Z consumers. They have taken a strong stance on issues like climate change and racial justice and have used their platform to raise awareness and inspire action.
  1. Lululemon: Lululemon has built a loyal following among young consumers by emphasizing wellness, mindfulness, and community. They have created a lifestyle brand beyond just workout gear and used social media to foster a sense of community among their customers.

Creating a Name That Resonates

Finally, let’s talk about creating a name that resonates with Gen Z. A brand’s name is often the first impression consumers have of a company, so it’s essential to choose a name that reflects your brand’s values and personality. Using a naming tool at Squadhelp is a great way to generate unique brand names. 

Here are some top-name ideas that would resonate with Gen Z:

  • Boldify: This name suggests confidence and empowerment, which aligns with the values of Gen Z.
  • Flowtopia: This name has a calming, zen-like quality that would appeal to young consumers who value mindfulness and wellness.
  • Empathify: This name suggests empathy and understanding, which are important values for Gen Z.


In conclusion, building a brand that resonates with Gen Z requires deeply understanding their values, desires, and habits. Brands that prioritize authenticity, social responsibility, inclusivity, and community are more likely to connect with this young, tech-savvy, and socially-conscious generation. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, brands can create a connection with Gen Z that goes beyond just a transactional relationship and can build a loyal following that will drive growth and success in the years to come.